Visit Employers There are some real benefits in approaching employers in person. Here are just some:
If you do it right, you create a powerful first impression that's not easy to beat
You can grab a job application form there and then (no relying on the post or someone's memory!)
When you get an interview, you know where to go, who to ask for and can say "It's nice to meet you again".
They will hopefully remember you and the positive impression they had of you before
If there are no suitable jobs, you know right away, so no waiting around for calls back or answers to your
It shows confidence and initiative. Most employers prefer to employ people who show some get up and go. It's
easy to put cover letters and resumes or CV in envelopes in an attempt to find jobs, but it's much harder to
approach someone in person
If you're still interested in visiting employers in person to find work, here are same Tips on how to land a job in
person. There's also advice on managing the possible outcomes of your visit to find a job. Dress smartly -- wear
proper interview clothes. It's all about making the right first impression at this stage.
Carry a folder, briefcase or similar in which to put job application forms or other information you're given
Take pen and paper on which to make any notes
Have copies of your CV or resume so you can leave copies with employers
If it's a public business (shops for example), look around the place first as a customer if you can. You
might grab the attention of the person who's hiring, who'll be impressed that you have approached them
only after some consideration
Smile -- smiling suggests positivity and helps people warm to you immediately
Greet the person you first speak to with a handshake
Give your name
State your business